Legal options after a commercial truck accident

Posted by iLawyer on Dec 24th, 2022 Firm News, Injuries

If you’ve recently been injured in an accident involving a large commercial truck, it’s important to understand your legal options. You may be hesitant to pursue legal action and that’s okay. The decision to seek compensation from those who caused your harm or to pay your injury-related costs yourself is always going to be solely up to you. Understanding your legal options will simply help to ensure that you make an informed decision about your next steps – whatever they may be.

Your rights and legal options will be dependent upon the circumstances that led to your accident, the extent of your injuries, and whether you were engaged in work-related activities at the time of your crash. Acting quickly to assess your legal options is important because some of your opportunities for recourse are likely quite time sensitive.

Pursuing Compensation

If another’s negligence, intentional conduct, or recklessness caused your injuries, you may be able to pursue damages in civil court. Filing a truck accident lawsuit may result in a damage award that will cover your past and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses related to your crash.

If you were engaged in work-related activities at the time of your wreck and you’re not classified as an independent contractor, you are also likely entitled to a workers’ compensation benefits award. Pursuing this form of compensation is a particularly time-sensitive process.

Exploring your legal options as soon as you can will help to ensure that your rights remain protected and that your case – should you choose to pursue one – is as strong as it can be. Although it can be tempting to wait to navigate the legal aftermath of your accident until you’re feeling better, investing a little of your time and energy now may save you money and spare you from frustration down the road.